“Clean Action” is an initiative that aims to clean our environment of waste, whether it is on land or in water. With more and more waste filling our world, “Clean Action” is becoming an important response to pressing social and environmental needs.
Garbage in the water
Although public awareness of the amount of trash in forest areas is growing, we often overlook the problem of pollution of water bodies. Waste in the water is often less visible to our eyes, but disposal is just as important and more complicated than picking up trash on land.
The Clean Action program was inspired by the global event of World Cleanup Day. Its main goal is to clean up the environment from waste on various levels, covering urban areas, forests, mountains, meadows, as well as water and wetlands.
Waste pollution is a global problem that requires sustainable waste management. Human activity has already reached every corner of the Earth, even to places as remote as the bottom of the Mariana Trench, where a plastic bag was found. Scientific studies clearly show that microplastics and nanoplastics pose a serious threat to human and ecosystem health.
River and lake cleaning equipment
We clean up rivers, lakes and reservoirs using specialized equipment and skilled professionals. We clean up rivers, lakes and reservoirs using specialized equipment and skilled professionals. Each action is coordinated by specialists and rescuers who ensure the safety of participants and ensure that the action is carried out properly.
Why clean up rivers and lakes
Cleaning up rivers and reservoirs has many benefits for the environment and local communities:
By acting locally, we are contributing to global improvements in water quality and environmental protection.