How does it work?
Would you like for your employees to see work not just as a chore but as something that develops and gives them satisfaction? On the other hand, you don’t have time to organize ECOINTEGRATION?
Our workshops will be a great solution in this case. We will come to you and implement the selected program. Employees are sure to find an hour or two to learn something interesting.
Home & office, or in other words, with ecology in harmony
During this workshop, participants will learn about the amount of energy (and non-energy) consumption in a typical office or apartment. They will also learn about ways to limit consumption and calculate for themselves how much can be saved with their chosen measures.
The form of the competition will mobilize all participants, and their own calculations will make the knowledge remain in the memory for a long time.
Nature enters the office! Each participant will be tasked with creating his or her own micro-garden, which is likely to last at least a few years, pleasing the eyes of all who look at it. From the available ingredients, under the guidance of a specialist, participants will build something truly unique and green.
The construction of the microgarden will give participants a good dose of very interesting practical knowledge, which everyone will be able to use in the future at home or in the office.
Green kitchen
One of Poland’s top herbal and wild edible plant specialists will impart a piece of his knowledge to your employees. In a form that is interesting, challenging and certainly entertaining. Participants will learn how to identify certain plants, combine them in delicious combinations and prepare a very tasty, and above all healthy, food.
Or only healthy, if they show less skill in solving the puzzles prepared by our expert.
Eco-cosmetics in its own factory
Each participant will be able to make an eco-friendly cosmetic. The benefits they will derive from this position are mainly the knowledge of how to produce simple organic cosmetics. During the workshop participants will also learn what to avoid in cosmetics, and what the dangers are.
Everyone will receive an educational packet regarding regulations and the dangers of using cosmetics containing certain chemicals.
Upcycling relaxes
Workshops with excellent handicraft specialists who will explain in an easy to understand way several techniques for creating beautiful jewelry. Following the trend of upcycling, no longer needed items, trinkets destined for the trash, will receive their second life here. Who knows if not longer and even more beautiful than the previous one.
Thanks to the knowledge of our instructors, your imagination and energy, we will create unique pieces of art together.