Social Carbon Offset is an innovative model for supporting pro-social institutions through the use of offsetting greenhouse gas emissions, including CO2, in the form of green energy investments.
It is a project for conscious and responsible business enabling:
SCO is also a project for pro-social organisations, i.e. institutions and entities pursuing social objectives, among others. education centres, social welfare homes, social housing estates, children’s homes, libraries and other facilities often run by social economy actors, NGOs, as well as housing communities and cooperatives at risk of fuel poverty. These facilities are facing many problems, including financial ones. Through the SCO, we want to support them in the tasks they undertake by making it possible to generate their own green energy, which will clearly reduce the cost of energy use, which is usually a significant burden on operations.
A new brand of the Aeris Futuro Foundation, which is responsible for ‘carbon offsets’ projects, i.e. projects that compensate for greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere.