Green fight for climate – we plant in a national park
As part of our Time for the Forest project, we want to enrich the Stołowe Mountains area with 1 000 new trees. We spend this day in the company of Techland employees and volunteers. The fight for the climate and the environment of our planet continues.
Table Mountain National Park and its fight for climate and environment
Spring is the perfect time to plant trees – this is when nature awakens to life. On Szczeliniec Wielki we can still encounter snow and ice because there is a characteristic microclimate there – it is cool and humid. More and more animals are also appearing, including lesser species.
Currently, as much as 3 000 hectares of the Park are undergoing redevelopment. We want to support this endeavor – our goal is to fill in the gaps with species suitable for this environment. A monoculture of trees is subject to threats specific to each species. By enriching the park’s biodiversity, we can avoid some of the potential problems.
Climate change is happening right before our eyes. Many people do not care about the environment in which they live, even though the topic of global warming has been raised many times in various forms.
A few words about Stołowe Mountains National Park
The park is located on the Polish-Czech border. It is unique due to the landscapes found there, such as the distinctive rock formations of the Table Mountains, which have a slab-like structure with sandstone outcrops that have not eroded over millions of years. The most famous are Błędne Skały or Szczeliniec Wielki.
Flowing rivers have led to the formation of three levels of sandstone in its area. In turn, their erosion to the formation of numerous labyrinths, crevices and rock blocks.
How beech is helping our climate fight
For today’s planting, together with Techland, we chose buki as the main and admixture species. It is important in shaping the non-reproductive functions of the forest. According to some calculations, one beech tree can produce as much as 7 000 liters of oxygen per day.
We would like to thank Techland for contributing to improving the ecosystem by planting 1,000 trees, which we are planting together as part of the TIME FOR FOREST project.