Joint tree planting action at UR
On 18.10.2018, first thing in the morning, we gathered at the Agricultural University Campus in Krakow (UR) to co-create an action of planting oak trees. The weather was great, and the motivation to green the immediate area was very strong. With great enthusiasm, we set to work, the fruits of which were to be new plants on the Campus, providing shade in the summer, as well as respite during periods of heat waves in the city.
The participants, who were mainly students of Landscape Architecture, worked under the watchful eye of UR specialists and teaching staff, as well as with the substantive support of representatives of our foundation. We can already confidently say that thanks to the joint efforts, the area on the UR Campus has changed beyond recognition! From now on, the new trees will please the eye of students and professors walking between classes. We look forward to more actions like this!
Among those who worked with us were Dr. Magdalena Kulig, M.Sc. (assistant research and teaching professor, Faculty of Biotechnology and Horticulture, Department of Dendrology and Landscape Architecture), M.Sc. Krzysztof Nowak (senior technician, Faculty of Biotechnology and Horticulture, Department of Dendrology and Landscape Architecture), Grażyna Sierant (senior technician, Faculty of Biotechnology and Horticulture, Department of Dendrology and Landscape Architecture), and representatives of the Technology Transfer Center and the Green Smart City FORUM. The campaign would not have come to fruition if not for Dr. Piotr Muras, Head of the Department of Dendrology and Landscape Architecture, Faculty of Biotechnology and Horticulture. A big applause for the Landscape Architecture students who came in large numbers and helped in the efficient planting of the plants!
The University of Agriculture in Krakow was the sponsor of the action, and the Aeris Futuro Foundation, FORUM Green Smart City and the UR Technology Transfer Center were the patrons of the event.
We encourage you to see a photo report of our joint efforts!