RINGIER AXEL SPRINGER – planting in Radom

Thanks to Ringier Axel Springer Polska sp. z o.o., we planted another 500 trees. The planting in Radom took place on October 27. We carried it out together with the company’s volunteers, supported by Radom City Hall.
In order to maximize support for insect and bird populations, thereby increasing species diversity, we selected trees and fruit bushes – planted species such pear, wild apple tree, cherry, ash, dogwood and hawthorn.
Planting procedure
Conducting the planting campaign required clearing the area of invasive plants, mainly Canadian goldenrod, which was very abundant in the selected urban area. There were also invasive ash-leaf maples in part of the area. Planting native species of trees and shrubs in place of where the invasive plants were present will contribute to a complete change in the character of the area. In addition, all the trees have been protected from animal gnawing and will hopefully serve for generations to come.
The event was not limited to planting, as during the meeting we tried to draw attention to such important issues as the role of insects in the ecosystem. In addition to the theoretical support of volunteers, we also held a workshop on building insect hotels.
The entire event was accompanied by healthy, green vegan catering.
Thanks to whom did we carry out the planting in Radom?
Ringier Axel Springer Polska combines many well-known brands in the press, media and Internet fields. These include Onet, Przegląd Sportowy, Fakt and Newsweek, among others. On the company’s website we can find information that they are keen to reduce their negative impact on the environment, but also to encourage their readers, users and business partners to do the same.
We would like to thank Ringier Axel Springer Poland sp. z o.o. for once again supporting the environment!