
Fundacja Cemex – sadzenie drzew na terenie Domu Pomocy Społecznej w Warszawie

The volunteers who came had unheard-of enthusiasm and strength for the work, which was certainly not easy. Both the planting of trees and shrubs, driving the stakes and securing the planted plants were done with great effort and perfect care. May we always come across such a harmonious and hardworking team! Why did we plant…

Czasnalas-Caterpillar Foundation_Radomysl-sadzimy_drzewa

Caterpillar Foundation – 1500 trees in Radomyśl municipality

The problem of invasion by alien plant species is still often downplayed and even neglected. Meanwhile, the expansion of plants that are not part of the local landscape is gaining alarming proportions. Together with the Caterpillar Foundationr and One Tree Planted, we strengthened the ranks of native wildlife! Growing threat from invasive alien species (IAS)…

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