Forest cleaning in Łódź with Decathlon Poland

The Brus forest in Łódź was very lucky. A Decathlon Poland team showed up and collected more than 150 kilograms of trash. Congratulations! In return, we organized an environmental workshop for everyone.
In the fall of 2019, we were approached by the Decathlon Poland team with a request to organize a World Cleanup Day. A little late, but we finally managed to obtain the necessary approvals and ensure the collection of waste. As part of this activity, we met a very resilient bunch of young people who decided that the Brus Forest could be a little cleaner. And it did!
Thanks to Decathlon Poland’s actions, Łódź’s Brus Forest has become lighter by more than 150 kilogams of trash
It always amazes us what people can cart off into the woods. This time the most interesting things were whole rolls of carpets, a forgotten barbecue in great condition and a large sack of electric cables. We can’t for the life of us understand why it’s more profitable to haul something like this away to the forest instead of to the so-called PSZOK, i.e. Punkt Selektywnego Zbierania Odpadów Komunalnych (Selective Collection of Municipal Waste). If you have any ideas, please explain.

Ecological workshops, making nesting boxes and gardens in a jar
We invited a friendly carpenter, Michał – Idę do Warsztatu (I go to the Workshop), who makes it a point of honor to create in wood without the use of power tools. He made the components of the nest boxes for us and controlled the work so effectively that everyone managed to create a nest box for birds.

Next to him worked our expert Bartek, who taught how to make a closed ecosystem in a jar. Of course, not too complicated, but self-sustaining and pleasing to the eyes, but above all, one that will survive. Gardens in a jar are really charming.

Many thanks to DECATHLON POLAND for working together!